Thriving Investments, owner-managers of New Avenue Living, have commissioned an economic and social impact assessment in partnership with HHA and Lar Housing Trust, to review the outcomes of our new MMR home delivery. Prepared by Turley, the research is based on our delivery of 2,770 MMR homes, accommodating approximately 5,830 residents across 12 local authority regions in Scotland.

The findings conclude that together, HHA, Lar Housing Trust and Thriving Investments have:

Delivered £500 million of investment in the construction sector, supporting around 2,090 temporary full time equivalent (FTE) jobs over the total construction period.

Supported a total of 2,720 net additional FTE jobs across Scotland during the construction period, inclusive of 1,250 locally supported jobs.

Created an additional £175 million in Gross Value Added across Scotland, during the construction period.

Generated £68.3 million annual earnings for residents. Subsequently this has supported local businesses, with £56.1 million of this spent on retail and leisure.

Enabled £5.6 million in additional Council Tax payments annually.

Boosted affordable supply beyond the government’s capital budget delivering additional affordable homes across the country.

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